Sunday, April 13, 2008

school madness!!

After finishing the movie on friday i have to say that micheal moore is a extrimist but does have some good points. It is true, that since the entertainment and other industries have become more voilent, so has society. People dont relaize that people pick up on fear and intimidation, and it spread to people who think this is there only way to get there point across. This is obviously very wrong because in other countries around the world they solve things other ways besides shootings and bombing. Espeically in our generation, we were tought to fight, we were in middle school when we entered the war, and 6 years later were still in it. This will be in our children's textbooks explaing the world turing into one big shooting target. We need to stop, educate our children and change the future generations if we dont want to lose one more child to a desprate attempt to get heard!

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