Thursday, April 3, 2008

being raised by animals

Yesterday in class we had a discussion about what it would be like to be raised by animals such as dogs, wolves, goat and even apes. It was so weird yet interesting to actually know about something like this. I guess it is out of the ordinary which makes it more valuable to learn about. The story that hit home the most was about thirteen year old girl names Genie whose parents had abused her into not being a human being. It was so sad to see this girl struggle with so many things and not be provided the nurturing side of her life. In class we are learning how we are all born with different make ups and different genes that make us close or related to our families. It is then up to our environment and atmosphere to bring those qualities out. If you are nurtured, those qualities flourish and make you who you are. The more they are ignored and put down, the more you as a human lack personality and skill. It is very sad. Another story that was unique was the one about the boy being family with the pact of dogs, and when captured, frantically begs to go back to his "family". Lets just think about this for a minute, if someone had taken us from our family, we would be devastated, so why is this any different. It is yes weird that this is indeed his family, but it is all he knows. How do you take someone out of that kind of environment and change them that much. Its something to think about...

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