Thursday, April 24, 2008


The word deviance is an interesting thing, it is voilating the norms of society in both a positive and negative way. In the positive way, such as paying for someones lunch or randomly helping someone out, those should be norms, not deviance. The world should be trained to automatically help out when needed. You should walk down the street and want to help someone if they seem like they are in trouble. As far as the negative deviance, that is why we have crime and murder, those are the people trying to be heard and break social norms, get "back" at someone for making them suffer. It is all a little messed up, instead of one extreme to the next we need to find a medium.

Friday, April 18, 2008

lake forest students

Today when i walked into class, i was surprised to find we had volunteers who had come from Lake Forest to talk about there life and see what it really is like inside Stevenson. We talked about how it really between classes, social lives, and working. They understood what we had to say and asked interesting questions. They were 19 years old so not too much older then us,so they could relate to us on many different levels. They were nice, mature and really cared about what we had to say. It was a breath of fresh air having them listen and respond to what we had to say instead of tuning us out.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

school madness!!

After finishing the movie on friday i have to say that micheal moore is a extrimist but does have some good points. It is true, that since the entertainment and other industries have become more voilent, so has society. People dont relaize that people pick up on fear and intimidation, and it spread to people who think this is there only way to get there point across. This is obviously very wrong because in other countries around the world they solve things other ways besides shootings and bombing. Espeically in our generation, we were tought to fight, we were in middle school when we entered the war, and 6 years later were still in it. This will be in our children's textbooks explaing the world turing into one big shooting target. We need to stop, educate our children and change the future generations if we dont want to lose one more child to a desprate attempt to get heard!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Micheal Moore's Movie

We just started the movie today, but I like it a lot. It is a mix of humor and reality, which seems to be the only way to get peoples attention. It seems like if we were to create a documentary about guns and how bad they are what they do, no one would care, the problem would again go un- noticed. Make a movie with humor and the rare glimpse of the wackos involved,and its number one at the box office. It is only the first day, so all they really talked about was gun control at Michigan, but it was insane! Some of the people and some of the things they were saying were pure examples of why America is such a diverse culture. In some parts of America, our jaws were open during the time when they talked about having 5 guns in there home for no reason, but in other parts of society, we are looked down upon for not believing the same things and participating in the preparation. I can't wait to see the rest of the movie sal!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

being raised by animals

Yesterday in class we had a discussion about what it would be like to be raised by animals such as dogs, wolves, goat and even apes. It was so weird yet interesting to actually know about something like this. I guess it is out of the ordinary which makes it more valuable to learn about. The story that hit home the most was about thirteen year old girl names Genie whose parents had abused her into not being a human being. It was so sad to see this girl struggle with so many things and not be provided the nurturing side of her life. In class we are learning how we are all born with different make ups and different genes that make us close or related to our families. It is then up to our environment and atmosphere to bring those qualities out. If you are nurtured, those qualities flourish and make you who you are. The more they are ignored and put down, the more you as a human lack personality and skill. It is very sad. Another story that was unique was the one about the boy being family with the pact of dogs, and when captured, frantically begs to go back to his "family". Lets just think about this for a minute, if someone had taken us from our family, we would be devastated, so why is this any different. It is yes weird that this is indeed his family, but it is all he knows. How do you take someone out of that kind of environment and change them that much. Its something to think about...