Tuesday, March 11, 2008

march 19th

The rally that is taking place downtown for the anti war seems very intense and something i defiantly would want to be apart of. I am very excited to down there and see what it is all about. It is cool that when i was in history class we were discussing different marches, and now i actually get to be apart of one. This is something i could explain to my children that i was apart of this event which is monumental. I look forward to doing this for class and also to add to my community service. I will blog more after the march.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

getting hit

ok the whole intersection thing were they fly past you and you almost die like 45 times is insane. Although in some cultures it is different to drive and so on but wow. Im scared..and liz u told me u wrote a blog and i should read it so im sitting here trying to find it and i cant. so u have a lot of explaining to do.