Thursday, January 31, 2008

The awkwardness of silence

I think people who are awkard tend to feel awkward when its silent. I dont make situations awkward, so when it is silent I dont think that it is any different from being noisy. People get uncomfortable because it is the unknown, if no one is talking, then we cant respond, if we cant respond, what do we do? People talk to much to fill the air and to hear themselves talk. Some people have alot to say which is why they are never quiet, and some people who feel like the silence is awkward are the ones who feel like they need to talk alot. I dont just wish people would listen more, i think they need too. The world is filled with noise and chaios, so we should take the time to listen, take it it and the re eveualte the situation and decide if it even needs a response. Everybody is always trying to get the last word in, which ruins the conversation. The society wants quiet and peace, but yet when we get it we always have to invent new drama to start the noise back up. Do you ever notice how when it is quiet and the world is somewhat peaceful (despite the fact that theres a war going on), we always need to make some story way bigger then it actually is to fill the silence. I have only experienced awkward silence when the situation I was in was awkward. I try and not make any thing awkward, but if it just so happends it is, I do wish i was anywhere else. I can only sit in a room with my true friends, have silence and it not be weird. I think the more comfortable you are around someone, the quiter you can be. If you just met a group of friends obviously sitting in a room silent might provoke some conversation. If it is your best friends you are always around, you can be silent and not need to talk. People should find a happy medium between being silent and being noisy. Silence is golden when words are simply not enough. Sometimes being in the room with people you love is enough, and you dont need noise to content. I think my peers spent most of the time looking for music for two reasons, one being they didnt want to start the blog, and two being that music in our generation is bigger then it has ever been. It is the one way you can express yourself and be a individual but still be connected. It is noise, but a good kind of noise!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

me on Blogging

I think blogging is good idea. It is a way to share ideas and thoughts without having to hold back. It is a good idea especially because it is on the computer, a lot more students will want to write more. It is a place to talk and share some thoughts, which is really cool.

Taylors First Blog

Hey! This is my first blog. yayyyy